Monday, March 9, 2009

March Week 1 Totals

Ok so Feb is done and overall training was just "OK". Run is coming along good. Had a 1/2 marathon on Feb 14 and won the Masters Title. All races do it different but if they have a Masters Division, which is 40 years old and above, they figure out the over all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers, then the Masters 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (this race they only had places for the Masters 1st place, which was me), then they name the individual Age Group Winners. So basically, they pull out the Overall and Masters winners first. I think I was 7th overall. All in all it was an ok race for me 1:24:07. It drizzled and then rained and there were more hills than I was trained for. Swim is still in dormant stage, swimming twice a week. March I'll start to bring the volume up. Bad weather in the later part of the month forced me inside and I missed a lot of mileage the last two Sunday's. Overall numbers were:

February's totals:
Bike: 30h 04m - 551.66 Mi
Run: 26h 00m 10s - 222.89 Mi
Swim: 3h 37m - 13531 Yd
Strength: 8h 00m

Week 1 in March off to a pretty good start, weather this past weekend was awesome with both day's in the mid 70's. Found a training partner for the bike who is a bit better than me. We are both from WI and actually went to the same University. Small world. I'll be MEGA painful to train long rides with him, but it is exactly what I need to improve on the bike. I have been throwing volume at it for 2 years and have seen some success, but to get to the next level, I need to PUSH, PUSH, PUSH. Yesterday was the first ride and we averaged a little over 20 mph with some good hills and LOT's of wind. That is probably 2 mph faster than I would have rode in those conditions, so it was tough. March to date numbers:

March's totals:
Bike: 9h 20m - 184.23 Mi
Run: 8h 12m 48s - 68.96 Mi
Swim: 56m - 3414 Yd
Strength: 1h 40m

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